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How to Prepare for a Bariatric Surgery Consultation

Medical Content Writer
Arzu Cetinkaya Medical Content Writer
How to Prepare for a Bariatric Surgery Consultation

Does an appointment with the doctor make you nervous? You are not alone in this. Many people feel that way. As soon as we sit in the treatment room, all the important questions are forgotten. On the way home, we ask ourselves: “What did the doctor just tell me?”, “What exactly do I have?” and “What do I have to do now?” When we get home, we realise that we haven’t asked the most important questions. In this blog post, we will tell you how you can successfully prepare for your visit to the doctor, which questions you should not forget to ask your doctor and what you can do after the consultation.

Why should I prepare for doctor’s consultations?

A lot of new information is often conveyed in a doctor’s consultation. The problem: As a normal adult, we can usually only remember a maximum of three things in a conversation. The more excited we are, the less we remember. So if you prepare well for a doctor’s appointment and take notes during the consultation, you will definitely get more out of your visit. That’s why you should definitely think about this in advance: What is the goal of my visit to the doctor?

If you feel unsure on your own, you can take someone you trust with you to the interview. This may give you more security and allow you to take notes during the conversation. This way you can fully concentrate on the conversation. After the conversation, you can go through the newly acquired information together again and check whether you have both understood the same thing. You should always bear in mind that the doctor is obliged to provide you with comprehensive information about the diagnosis and treatment options.

What questions can I prepare myself for at the doctor’s appointment?

Your doctor can ask you many different questions during the consultation. We have collected a few of them so that you are already prepared.

  • How is your general state of health?
  • Are there any current complaints or illnesses?
  • Are there chronic complaints and illnesses?
  • How has your weight developed?
  • What have you done so far to manage your weight? What diets have you tried?
  • What is your current living situation? Is there stress and other burdens?
  • Do you regularly take certain medications? If so, which ones?
  • What are your eating and sleeping habits?
  • How do you feel? Have there been any mood changes recently?

The 5 most important questions during a doctor’s consultation

It is important that you discuss your questions and wishes openly with your doctor. Only if a doctor knows all your questions, concerns and expectations can he or she take them into account when planning the treatment. Always ask if you don’t understand something, after all, you need to know what to do. If you are unsure here, summarise the most important points you have discussed in your own words. The doctor will then realise whether you have understood everything correctly and can explain important points to you again if necessary.

These are the most important questions that you should not forget to ask when talking to your doctor:

What treatment options are available?

“How can I lose weight?”, “Are there obesity medications to lose weight?”, “What do you think of gastric band surgery?”, “Does a gastric bypass help with obesity?”. There are often several treatment options for one disease. It is the same with obesity. Ask your doctor what treatment options are available and discuss together which is best suited to your case. If you are unsure about anything, don’t hesitate to ask for more information.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment?

Ask about the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment. The more you know about it, the better you can decide in favour of treatment.

How likely are the respective advantages or disadvantages?

Before deciding on a treatment, find out how likely it is that the treatment will actually have the desired effect. Also ask how likely side effects are and what other risks exist.

What can I do myself?

How quickly you lose weight and feel better also depends on you. Ask your doctor what you can do yourself to positively influence your health. With many chronic illnesses, you can also help to slow down or stop the progression of the disease.

What happens if I do nothing?

A treatment does not always have to be immediate. Waiting is also an option. This is because some complaints heal on their own or do not get better if they are treated. Ask your doctor what will happen if you wait and see.