Calculate your BMI

BMI Calculator

Use our BMI calculator to check your Body Mass Index and find out if you are suitable for a gastric sleeve in Turkey.


What is Body Mass Index?

Body Mass Index is a quick method to show whether you have a normal body weight for your height. BMI is generally considered normal in the range of 18.5-24.9.

Body Mass Index alone is not an indicator of how healthy you are because it does not take into account important factors such as age, gender and body composition (fat, muscle and bone).

Being overweight or obese can increase the risk of many health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and sleep apnoea. You can check your Body Mass Index frequently to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

BMI Calculator

How is Body Mass Index Calculated?

Body Mass Index is calculated using body height and body weight. First, the height is squared in metres. Then the weight is divided by the square of the height in metres.

For example, BMI of a person who is 1.75m tall and weighs 80kg is calculated as 80 / (1.75*1.75) = 26.14.

The BMI obtained as a result of this calculation is usually evaluated according to the following ranges:

  • 18.5 and below: Underweight
  • 18.5 – 24.9: Healthy Weight
  • 25 – 29.9: Overweight
  • 30 – 34.9: Obese (Class I)
  • 35 – 39.9: Obese (Class I)
  • 40 and above: Obese (Class I)
What is Body Mass Index

What are the Limitations of Body Mass Index?

Body Mass Index is a useful tool for determining a healthy weight. However, it has some uncertainties and limitations. It can give false results, especially in athletes, pregnant women, children and the elderly.

In athletes with high muscle mass, Body Mass Index may be high depending on the weight of muscle mass. However, this does not mean that these people pose a health risk.

The results may be misleading in children due to incomplete muscle development and in the elderly due to widespread muscle breakdown. Body Mass Index should not be taken into account during pregnancy.

Limitations of Body Mass Index
Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs About Body Mass Index

What is the BMI for gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey?

For gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey, you must have a BMI of 30 and above. However, this alone is not enough. Your medical history and general state of health will need to be assessed. You should also be prepared to make significant lifestyle changes.

What is the BMI for gastric bypass surgery in Turkey?

For gastric bypass surgery in Turkey, you must have a BMI of 35 and above. At the same time, you must have a serious health problem associated with obesity, such as hypertension, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes. Gastric bypass surgery is one of the most effective methods for controlling type 2 diabetes. At Turkey Bariatrics, we recommend gastric bypass surgery for type 2 diabetes patients.

Does Body Mass Index measure body fat?

BMI does not directly measure body fat. It does not take into account important factors such as age, gender, body composition and muscle mass. It can only give an estimate of body fat.

What are the limitations of Body Mass Index?

A BMI below 18.5 is classified as underweight, between 18.5-25 as normal weight, between 25-30 as overweight and above 30 as obesity.

How to reduce your Body Mass Index?

The only way to lower your BMI is to lose weight. You can lose weight by following a healthy diet and doing more physical activity. You should avoid processed foods and prefer to consume low-fat and high-fibre foods. If exercise and diet do not help, you may consider bariatric surgery if you have obesity-related health problems.

How accurate is the Body Mass Index?

Body Mass Index is a useful measurement for most people over the age of 18. It shows whether you are at a healthy weight for your height. However, it does not always give accurate results. BMI does not take into account factors such as age, gender and body composition. At the same time it is useless for athletes, pregnant women, children under 18 and elderly people.