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Hair Loss After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Medical Content Writer
Arzu Cetinkaya Medical Content Writer
Hair Loss After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

A complete change in the nutritional state after a gastric sleeve surgery and a decrease in food consumption may cause deficiencies in some vitamins and minerals. Hair loss is a common problem between the 3rd and 9th months after surgery. This is very much related to the food with which the small stomach is filled.

The main factors causing hair loss after a gastric sleeve surgery are protein, iron and zinc deficiency. When planning the postoperative diet, complaints are reduced if a protein-rich diet and sufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits are taken into consideration.

7 Suggestions to Have Healthy Hair After a Gastric Sleeve Surgery:

  • Foods rich in iron and protein such as red meat, chicken meat, fish meat, spinach, lentils, chickpeas and nuts should be included in the daily diet.
  • When hair loss is experienced after a gastric sleeve surgery, vitamin and mineral supplements should be used if deemed necessary.
  • Before applying medication after a gastric sleeve surgery, anti-hair loss shampoos (Bioxcin Genesis, Bioblas and arginine-containing shampoos) should be tried.
  • “Pine turpentine oil” that you will add into shampoos also provides positive results.
  • “Biotin” supplements can be used as a supplement in the treatment of hair loss after a gastric sleeve surgery. You should always consult your nurse in your team before you start taking medication.
  • Heat treatments applied to the hair such as straighteners, high-temperature hair dryers also damage the hair and increase hair loss. It should be used as little as possible.
  • The hair should not be washed with too hot water.
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